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英国站,卖电脑电源产品,然后KYC审核,VAT审核,产品认证全部一起来,而且是不同时间段发的邮件。账号被封了快1个月了,KYC说是VAT那边有问题,VAT说KYC那边有问题,好了,互相都没问题了,产品认证说有问题,所有的认证都发过去了。我们的号前天晚上终于说可以正常销售了,开始出单了,昨天下午,又一封邮件说我们没有提供充分的证据,暂停我们的销售权。然后呢? 怎么办??? 好忧桑!!!

We have reviewed your case and documentation and determined, after careful review, that your selling privileges will not be reinstated. Our records also indicate that you have been notified you that decision is final.
I understand that you may be disappointed with the outcome of your appeal. However, the absence of sufficient compliance documentation prevents the reinstatement of your selling privileges on the impacted ASIN(s).
The Product Safety team is unable to provide further information on this situation. Further correspondence regarding the removal of your selling privileges will not be answered.
Thank you for your understanding,
Alexandru-Florin P.
Amazon Seller Support


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