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The listing(s) at the bottom of this message has been edited due to a violation of Amazon’s ASIN Creation policy.

Why did this happen?
Sellers on Amazon.com are not allowed to add invalid variations. This includes, but is not limited to:
-- Adding children products that are not actual variations of the parent product (e.g., newer version or model of product, different branded products, etc.).
-- Adding duplicate child variations that are not substantially different than other variations within the family (e.g., Red 1, Red 2, Red 3, etc.).

We’re here to help.
If you need help better understanding what is causing this, please reference our “ASIN Creation Policy” in Seller Central Help and review the Variation Policy section (https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/G201844590).

Have your listings been corrected in error?
If you believe there has been an error, please submit an explanation. Your explanation should include the following information:
-- How your account has not violated our ASIN Creation policy.
-- Evidence or examples that demonstrate that your account has complied with the ASIN Creation policy.

How do I send the required information?
If you wish to appeal this decision, click the Appeal button next to this message on the Performance Notifications page in Seller Central.

What happens if I do not send an explanation?
If we do not receive the requested information or you continue to violate the Amazon ASIN Creation policy, your account could be at risk of deactivation.


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