所在分类:  VAT&海外税务 所属圈子: 跨境税务管理

英国税局查账 最新问题怎么回复??

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 1. What made you register?
 2.Who filed for VAT registration?
 3.Before completing the VAT1 application for registration, did you read the guidance notes and Public Notice 700/1: Should I be registered for VAT?
 4.Before completing the VAT1 application for registration, did you read the guidance relating to Non-Established Taxable Persons in Section 9 of Public Notice 700/1: Should I be registered for VAT?
 5.Did you understand the guidance that was provided?
 6.Who completed your VAT returns?
 7.Before completing the returns, did the person responsible for completing the company’s return read the guidance that was provided on the VAT return and in Public Notice 700/12 Filling in your VAT return?
 8.Why have you under declared some of your VAT returns?

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