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furnish evidence of producers marking 是什么意思

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”They'll need to also test to ASTM F963 for Teethers and also physical mechanical testing. Further, they'll need to test the pacifier clip and also furnish evidence of producers markings. (Aka permanent tracking labels.) Details about permanent tracking labels can be found here“
收到一封来自亚马逊客服的邮件,请问有哪位大神知道 furnish evidence of producers markings 指的是什么,是产品的购买发票吗?
还有 Aka permanent tracking labels 指的是啥?

知2 - 90后

赞同来自: 彼岸花520

被要求提供生产商标记的证据 。如果是出口到欧盟的玩具必须符合欧盟玩具安全指令(ToyDirective)。电子产品则需通过电磁兼容性EMC认证。可能你卖的是母婴类目的产品,要通过测试,拥有完整的技术文件,并获得有一些安全标志证明符合相关指令和统合标准后,才能合法投入市场。(我也不是很懂,就友情的想帮助,不喜勿喷)


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