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Hi X,

My name is X and I am the owner of [Your Amazon Store Name]. I want to personally thank you for being one of our customers!

I noticed that your order was delivered recently. Product Ordered: X

Your order: https://www.amazon.com/gp/your ... ID%3D[insert customer's order # inside these brackets and delete brackets]

I hope that you've had a chance to try the product. I want to make sure that you are 100% happy. If you have any issues, please reply to this email so I can make it right! (In fact, I love to hear from people who are enjoying my products, so I'd like to hear from you even if everything has gone smoothly!)

If you are not satisfied with the product, please give us a chance to make it right! Respond to this email, and I will do whatever it takes to make you happy.

We'd be honored to get your honest review of the product! https://www.amazon.com/review/ ... es%23

Thank you again for ordering from [Your Amazon Store Name]. We truly appreciate your business. We LOVE our customers and we will always be here if you need us.

Wishing you the best,

[Your Name], Owner
[Your Amazon Store Name]
Changing the world...one dime at a time. [replace with your own slogan] 
Bqool                   无免费,       10刀/500封/月  起步
Feedback five      免费50封/月,  9.99刀/250封/月 起步
Salesbacker         免费120封/月, 19刀/1600封/月 起步
Feedbackgenius  免费100封/月(一个市场),20刀/1000封/月 起步
AMZFinder          免费500封/月,20刀/2000封(无时间限制)  起步(暂无发现支付选项,难道都免费?)
并没觉得这篇索评有何出彩的地方,看到第一句就觉得并不好,作为卖家最好以一个公司的立场去跟客户交流,哪怕你只是个单干的个人小卖也要营造出大公司的满满自信啊,开头就不会用My name, 客户才不关心你是谁。先别急着喷我。

首先,对不同的产品设置不同的索评模板效果会更好。如果是有使用方面问题的,最好在客户购买后附带一些产品使用方面需要特别注意的地方,下次索评的话得到回复概率更大。你会说有使用说明了呀?你的使用说明客户会看吗就算看了那满纸的中式英语客户也不一定懂呀,就算说明做得很好了,你发个邮件给他一个客户是上帝的错觉人家是不是美滋滋,一不小心给了你五星好评?客户收货才几天你就去要review,你觉得有多大可能人家会给你? 另外索评最大的前提是你的产品质量很好,你很有自信。不然恐怕索来的可不是什么好评。

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