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KYC审核到了关键一步,要求提供Power of Attorney,意思是自己给自己做授权?我脑壳有点懵

发帖13次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动116次 历史交流热度2.68% 历史交流深度0%
- An official business document that clearly shows that the you are either a Legal Representative, Director or Beneficial Owner of the business.
- A Power of Attorney signed by a Director or Beneficial Owner confirming that you are empowered to act on behalf of the company in the form of a legal representative. This Power of Attorney should be signed and on company letterhead, stating the position of the signee.
卖家们最近kyc有提交过这两种文件吗?Power of Attorney 的意思是自己给自己做授权?有点懵。跪求一份Power of Attorney 的模板,感激不尽!
Dear seller,
We need some additional documents to continue with your account verification.

If you do not upload this document within 60 days, we will be unable to prevent the suspension of your selling privileges.

You have selected that you are a Legal Representative of the Company registered on the account. In order to proceed with the verification of your account, we require a document, which confirms your status as a Legal Representative.

Please provide one of the following:

- An official business document that clearly shows that the you are either a Legal Representative, Director or Beneficial Owner of the business.
- A Power of Attorney signed by a Director or Beneficial Owner confirming that you are empowered to act on behalf of the company in the form of a legal representative. This Power of Attorney should be signed and on company letterhead, stating the position of the signee.

kamachen - 非机构认证服务商禁止签名广告

赞同来自: 我在洞庭湖边 Silly2019 rairuku 沐明XY saldmslk



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